Pet Travel

We understand the importance of being able to travel with your pets, we are happy to help you and your pets get where you need to go!

Our doctors are USDA accredited and our health certificate coordinators keep up to date on regulations for traveling with your pets. As accredited veterinarians our office can provide health certificates for your healthy dog or cat if you are traveling internationally or just traveling state to state.

Beginning August 1st 2024 the CDC will be enforcing new importation requirements when bringing dogs into the U.S. from any country (including Canada and Mexico).

International Pet Travel

Traveling with a pet in a foreign country

Every country has its own set of health requirements for pets that may require your pet to get a microchip, specific vaccinations, or undergo certain tests. The USDA APHIS export pages provide essential information to help guide you through the requirements for your destination. We submit all eligible documents to the USDA via their digital VEHCs submission system.

What is the process to get an International Health Certificate?
  1. Once we receive your health certificate request a staff member will a staff member will review your pets information, your destination country and give you a call to discuss a general overview of your pets needs in order to be eligible for travel to your destination.
  2. Our USDA Accredited Veterinarians and Health Certificate Coordinators will work together to review your pets complete medical records, regulations for entering your destination country and import requirements if your are returning to the U.S. A. They will then develop a recommended schedule catered to you and your pet.
  3. Once your pet has met all of the requirements to be eligible for travel a physical exam will be performed with one of our USDA Accredited Veterinarians and the health certificate will be filed with the USDA through their VEHCS electronic documentation system for final approval.
  4. The USDA will send your completed health certificate through next day shipping or electronic delivery depending on your destination country.
How much does it cost?
ServicePrice Range
Consultation for travel / Records review$65
Office Visit$88
International Health CertificateFrom $330
Certificate of U.S. – Issued Rabies Vaccination$80
MedicationsVaries by prescription
Diagnostic Testing and Lab WorkVaries by test
USDA Certification FeesVaries (see USDA website)
Prepaid Express Return Label (FedEx or UPS)Varies

Contact us to request a travel consultation for an international health certificate.

Interstate Pet Travel

Traveling with a pet from one U.S. State or Territory to another

Requirements for domestic movement of pets varies from state to state USDA APHIS interstate pages provide essential information to help guide you through the requirements for your destination.

Contact us to request a travel consultation for an interstate health certificate.

Importation Requirements

Animals entering or returning to the U.S. are subject to regulation by the CDC, USDA APHIS and other federal agencies depending on your destination state. The USDA APHIS Import pages and the CDC Import pages can help guide you through these requirements.

Dogs traveling from a Low-Risk Rabies Countries, including Canada and Mexico.

  • All dogs must meet the following requirements in order to be eligible for entry into the U.S.
    • Be a minimum of 6 months old
    • Have a microchip that can be detected with a universal scanner to identify them
      • We recommend confirming that the microchip is functional before you travel, please contact us to schedule an appointment
    • Appear healthy upon arrival Dogs may not enter the US if they are carrying a disease contagious to people.
    • Beginning August 1st, an online CDC Dog Import Form submission receipt MUST be completed prior to arrival at the U.S. port of entry. CDC Import Form Instructions 
      • Important information about the CDC Import Form: Should be filled out online 2 – 10 days before arrival however it can be completed the night before or the day of arrival if you have internet access
      • All information including the port of entry where the dog is arriving must be correct at the time of arrival at the U.S. Port of Entry If you need to make changes once a form has been completed, you must submit a new form and indicate that you are making changes to an existing form.
      • The form requires you to upload a clear photograph of the dog showing its face and body Dogs that will be less than 1 year old at the time of arrival should have the photograph taken within 10 days of arrival.
      • There is no charge for importing this form.
  • Your Airline and your country of export MAY require a Pet health certificate from the pets country of origin. This must be completed by an official veterinarian within 10 days of travel depending on local regulations
Dogs when traveling from a High-Risk Rabies Countries with a valid rabies vaccination administered in the U.S.

  • Option One – Certificate of U.S. Issued Rabies Vaccination
    • Obtain an endorsed certificate of U.S. issued Rabies Vaccination form signed and completed by a USDA accredited veterinarian, submitted to the USDA through the VEHCS system. This certificate is valid for multiple entries until the rabies vaccination expires.
      • The certificate is valid for multiple entries until the rabies vaccination expires.
        • If the veterinarian that administered the rabies vaccine is not USDA accredited, another veterinarian that is USDA accredited in their practice can fill out the form on their behalf, as long as all information including microchip number can be verified using the clinic’s existing medical records.
        • Until July 31, 2025, the Certificate of U.S. Issued Rabies Vaccination form maybe completed retroactively using information in your dog’s veterinary files.
  • Option Two – Until July 31, 2025, a USDA-endorsed health certificate may be used if…
    • The Certificate documents the dog’s age, microchip number, and valid rabies vaccine administered in the U.S.
    • The vaccination documented is valid on the date of the return.
    • The certificate was issued before July 31, 2025.
    • The certificate is valid for re-entry as long as the U.S. issued rabies vaccination has not expired.
  • As of August 1st there will only be six designated ports in the U.S. for dogs being imported from high-risk countries.
  • Beginning August 1st, An online CDC Dog Import Form submission receipt MUST be completed prior to arrival at the U.S. port of entry.
    • CDC Import Form Instructions 
    • Important information about the CDC Import Form:
      • Should be filled out online 2 – 10 days before arrival however it can be completed the night before or the day of arrival if you have internet access.
      • All information including the port of entry where the dog is arriving must be correct at the time of arrival at the U.S. Port of Entry If you need to make changes once a form has been completed, you must submit a new form and indicate that you are making changes to an existing form.
      • The form requires you to upload a clear photograph of the dog showing its face and body
      • Dogs that will be less than 1 year old at the time of arrival should have the photograph taken within 10 days of arrival.
      • There is no charge for importing this form.
Dogs when traveling from a High-Risk Rabies Countries that do not have a U.S. issued rabies certificate form.

  • A certificate of foreign rabies vaccination and microchip form must be completed in its entirety and endorsed by the veterinarian who administered the vaccine.
    • Foreign-vaccinated dogs traveling inbound to the U.S. from a high-risk rabies country must have a reservation for examination, verification of age, documents, microchip number, administration of a rabies booster vaccination, and twenty-eight day quarantine at a CDC-registered animal care facility immediately upon arrival in the U.S.
    • In order to minimize time at the animal quarantine facility to one or two days, dogs will need a rabies serology titer from a CDC-approved laboratory.
  • As of August 1st there will only be six designated ports in the U.S. for dogs being imported from high-risk countries.
  • Beginning August 1st, An online CDC Dog Import Form submission receipt MUST be completed prior to arrival at the U.S. port of entry.
  • CDC Import Form Instructions 
  • Important information about the CDC Import Form:
    • Should be filled out online 2 – 10 days before arrival however it can be completed the night before or the day of arrival if you have internet access.
    • All information including the port of entry where the dog is arriving must be correct at the time of arrival at the U.S. Port of Entry If you need to make changes once a form has been completed, you must submit a new form and indicate that you are making changes to an existing form.
    • The form requires you to upload a clear photograph of the dog showing its face and body
    • Dogs that will be less than 1 year old at the time of arrival should have the photograph taken within 10 days of arrival.
    • There is no charge for importing this form.

Not sure if you are traveling from a High-Risk Country for Dog Rabies?

The CDC has an updated list of countries and political units that are considered high risk for importing dogs into the United States.

List of High – Risk countries

Additional important information about bringing your pet into the U.S.

  • Dogs that do not meet the import requirements or that arrive without the correct documentation, unreadable microchip or additional health concerns may be declined entry into the U.S, undergo isolation, quarantine, or additional testing at the importer’s expense. Additional confinement at the importers designated location may also be required
  • These requirements apply to all dogs entering the U.S including service dogs.
  • CDC Import Form Information:
    • Non-commercial dog importers are limited to 2 dogs per person/applicant per trip
    • Importers bringing dogs in for commercial sale or adoption must meet additional requirements
    • Only 1 person can apply for an Import permit, this applicant must be above the age of 18.
    • The Import Permit Applicant can designate a friend or family member as the “Permit Holder”
    • The Permit Holder is responsible for declaring the dog at the port of entry and must present the required documents upon arrival at the border.
    • If a Certification of U.S -Issued Rabies Vaccination form is required for entry, this must be submitted to the USDA by your veterinarian  PRIOR TO LEAVING THE U.S.(there will be a transition period where this form can be filled out retroactively based on official medical records after the dog has departed the U.S.)
      • This form can be completed 28 days after the initial rabies vaccination was given OR 28 days after the booster vaccination if the dog’s previous vaccination expired prior to receiving the booster
      • Rabies vaccines administered prior to the microchip implantation date are invalid, The microchip must be implanted on or before the date of the most recent rabies vaccination.
      • The USDA charges $38 per certificate for this service.
        • This fee does not apply to service dogs as defined by the ADA.
        • Emotional support dogs do not qualify for the waived service fee.
      • The rabies vaccine must not be expired while traveling outside of the U.S.
        • Any lapses in U.S Issued vaccination coverage will require getting the dog re-vaccinated and getting additional documentation such as the Certificate of Foreign Rabies Vaccination and Microchip form and may also require  a Rabies serology titer and/or 28 day quarantine at a CDC registered animal care facility.
  • Additional import restrictions enforced by the USDA
    • Screwworm
      • Dogs traveling from countries or regions where screw worm is known to exist may enter the U.S if they are accompanied by a certificate signed by a full-time salaried veterinary official of the region of origin (official government veterinarian) stating the following
    • Foot – and – Mouth Disease
    • Tapeworm infection
      • Dogs used in livestock handling that are imported from any part of the world (except Canada and Mexico and certain regions of Central America and West Indies) should have no evidence of tapeworm infection
  • Additional links